Thursday, November 30, 2006
The real Windy City
Funny thing about this morning: when I woke to the pre-dawn of eight AM, I heard a strange rustling against the window. "Rain?" I thought, but no - just clouds and a ridiculous breeze.
I saw that admission to the castle was supposedly free today, so, deciding that it was high time I visited, I packed my camera after breakfast and made my way up the hill. The castle staff, however, put an abrupt stop to my tourist plans. Apparently, the castle's not safe for visitors during periods of high winds.
High winds? Sheesh, this is nothing. So my hair's a mess and I was having to lean into the wind on Nicholson Street. It's not raining, is it? This is great weather. I have no idea what y'all are talking about.
Although, if this wind keeps up, what's that going to do to the kilted masses tonight?
Oh dear.
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Best name ever
There are some real winners among the names and titles, but one stands head and shoulders above the rest. I didn't know this guy existed until the news tonight, but let me present the best name ever: Lord Adonis.
If I were a peer, I would want to be this guy.
As it turns out (thanks, Wikipedia), he's an English-Cypriot Baron who was born Andreas Adonis. While this is certainly a fine name on its own, stick the honorific in front and you've got what is possibly the greatest title ever.
So he's not particularly liked by some politicians. They're probably just jealous of the name. I mean, come on, Adonis? Says it all, man. Says it all.
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
One week
Where did the semester go?
I'm sitting here with my (mercifully cooperative) laptop, my spiffy A4-stocked printer, my squeaky haggis, my Famous Grouse tin-turned-penny-holder, a cup of herbal tea, and half a bowl of All Bran Crunchy Oatbakes (bad name, but whatever). I got to browse the German Market again today, and even saw a few brave souls out on the ice rink in the garden. The weather cooperated for most of the day. We haven't had a fire drill in weeks. The Jeremy Kyle Show is still entertaining. The turkey I grilled for dinner tonight on the stove's grill rack actually tasted like real meat.
I have come to terms with the fact that I will not finish my current project before going home, but otherwise I seem to have survived the first semester. All is right with the world.
Monday, November 27, 2006
A little taste of college
I'm in the middle of an errand-y sort of morning - gym, laundry, and groceries - and I just returned from Tesco with my large recyclable tote, £16 lighter. There is fruit in my refrigerator once again. This is a good thing.
While replenishing my oatmeal, I stumbled upon a new cereal tucked in with Tesco's minimal offerings. The name was different, but the picture on the front could only mean one thing: Cracklin' Oat Bran has made it across the pond.
Ah, Cracklin' Oat Bran. It brings back such fond memories of the Davenport Dining Hall: lunch, dinner, snacktime, dessert, topping my fro-yo, dipped in chocolate on Valentine's Day... Yeah, okay, I've missed the cereal just a little bit. It's not quite as sweet here, which is probably a good thing, but it's still the all-purpose oatmeal substitute.
Speaking of D'port, if anyone out there has the recipe for curried sweet potato and lentil soup, let me know...
Sunday, November 26, 2006
Christmas carols
Well, Emily and I looked at next week's selections. Except for "O Come, O Come Emanuel," we knew nothing. Nada.
Figuring that next Sunday morning was not the best time to rectify this, we borrowed the sanctuary piano and did a little one-finger part tapping. My piano skills are subpar, but they worked well enough for the Inept American Alto Section.
At least we can usually fake it. Roy offered to take up a collection to fly us back over for the rest of the month.
Saturday, November 25, 2006
More oboe!
That said, tonight's Magnificat and other works concert was stolen by one person: Ruth and Her Amazing Oboe. We wanted to make posters. We wanted to do the wave. We wanted to yell "More oboe!" but we figured Ruth would get upset if we yelled during her oboe solo.
There were a few other highlights as well. In no particular order:
Michael's Abercrombie shirt and kilt, complete with knife in the sock
Michael's trenchcoat that hid all but the socks, making him look like a streaker (or Eytan in A Child's Christmas in Wales)
The American-themed bar on Lothian Road
Nachos at Favorit
Ian's Guydar
Ian's budding relationship with Charlotte the Macbook
Once again making an inappropriate comment that was meant entirely innocently
Having my zoo movie analyzed
Escaping Edinburgh's wind/rain/cold and the choir
Friday, November 24, 2006
The Pleasance Cabaret Theatre is only two blocks away, but Edinburgh killed another umbrella en route. I must replace it today, while the sun is still shining...just six and a half hours to go...
The reading went well - much alcohol was consumed by people other than Cali, whose glass kept being mysteriously refilled during lunch, and me - and afterwards, around eleven, a small group of us followed Erica out into the mercifully rain-free night for karaoke at her bar, Belushi's.
I'd never been to Belushi's, but it's an interesting place. It was hopping by the time we got there, packed partly by the people from the hostel upstairs and partly by some sketchy regulars. Erica knew everyone, so she disappeared off to the bar for a bit while we packed into a semicircular booth and began perusing the karaoke list.
Just as Cali, Kelli, and I were looking through the book, this random drunk guy came up and started making conversation. He was not alone. Let me go ahead and clarify: we never learned any actual names, so we're going to call this inebriated trio Talkative Irish Guy, Dancing (Australian?) Guy, and Wasted Asian Guy. As Cali and Kelli noted, it seemed that the three of us must have had a flashing "SINGLE!" light about our persons or something, because these three just couldn't take a hint.
Talkative Guy tried to force us to pick songs, then scooted his way into the booth with us. He kept coming back throughout the night. Wasted Guy occupied his position the rest of the time, drinking morosely and making comments like, "Do you think he [Talkative Guy] is attractive?" Dancing Guy first grabbed Cali and tried to carry her away, then took my hands and made me dance with him, which mostly consisted of twirls and dips. I gave the usual smile and "Thank you" to bow out gracefully, but he just wouldn't let up. All night long.
Fortunately, there was usually a hiding place back in the booth - Billy and Russ, our token males, were willing to scoot around - or with Erica, who introduced me to the staff between karaoke numbers. One guy who works there, Tony, had an absolutely fabulous solo, as did Lauren, who I think was just a regular. Then there was the guy who tried a drunk rendition of "Rawhide." Dear God, no.
Two guys, Billy and this random drunk local, offered to buy us drinks, but Cali felt that her liver just couldn't take it, I had reached my quota at lunch, and anyway, we still had a twenty-minute walk back. I was in the queue for karaoke, but when 12:30 rolled around (the bar supposedly closed at 1), Cali and I decided to scrap it and head home. The trio just wouldn't let up. "You're not allowed to harass the customers," Erica warned Talkative Guy, who just couldn't keep his hands off Kelli's knee. "No - let me see your hands. Up on the table. Keep them there." He insisted that he had to practice the piano or something, which necessarily involved Kelli.
Still, my favorite line of the night came from Talkative Guy, who was trying to help me pick a song. While he paged through the list, he came across "Like A Virgin." "How," he said, looking at me, "no one would ever believe that." Smooth, buddy, really smooth. You know the way to a woman's heart.
Fun place, we decided, but if we ever want to do karaoke there, we should get in by eight or nine and immediately put our names down. And bring boyfriends along.
Thursday, November 23, 2006
Behold, classmates, my work of art
With that in mind, let's just cut to the chase. Behold, world, my dressing.

My knife "technique" concerns Corner, but to be fair, our knives are dull and that sausage was tough.
I have gained an appreciation for the Cuisinart.
I have also learned just how much "six cups" actually is...6 c rice + 3 c stock + 4 c vegetables and sausage = Lauren needs an actual Dutch oven. No worries, I split the rice and just divvied everything else. The second pot contains more of the same.
The dressing was an adventure in so many ways. I began to realize just how much our dorm kitchen lacks in the way of standard amenities - you know, like multiple measuring cups, measuring spoons, and a Dutch oven. Oh well. This is trial by fire time, and I've produced something vaguely chicken flavored.
Midway through my preparations, Corner told me that he thinks I'm probably a good cook. Why, I asked. Apparently, since everyone else on the floor is a good cook, I'm obliged to be at least halfway decent. Maybe.
It's Thanksgiving. With my mad knife skills, I'm thankful that I didn't cut a finger off, and that Leigh and Cali are making the turkey and pies.
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
The things we do for national holidays
I had resigned myself to a turkeyless day when I received an e-mail from Leigh this morning. She and Cali are planning a Thanksgiving luncheon tomorrow. They're making the turkey and two pies (I knew those cans of pumpkin in the store display would go to good use!), and everyone else is to bring a dish.
Well, I figured I could do dressing.
There are two ways to go about dressing: buy the Paxo box and add water, or suck it up and actually attempt something homemade. Fine, I thought, enough instant couscous and microwaved peas, this is a national holiday, damn it. It deserves something better than my ill-fated Canadian Thanskgiving rolls.
Taking Rosanna the Cooking Light Intern's advice, I hopped onto their website and started looking for recipes. The first that sounded good was a dirty rice stuffing. I like dirty rice. I like stuffing. What the hell.
Then I started reading the recipe...Andouille sausage (This is the country that lives on black pudding, surely they have something), chicken livers (, 6 cups long-grain rice (Easy enough), 3 cups chicken broth (My favorite form of hot sodium), olive oil (Got it already), celery, onions, garlic (Just this once), green bell pepper (Substituting red - it's my dressing!), Cajun seasoning (Wait a minute...)
Undaunted, I headed off to Tesco for a little pre-breakfast grocery shopping, where I (inevitably) encountered a few difficulties:
1) This is the UK, Land of Grams. Do we know how many grams of rice go into a cup? We bought a kilo and we're guessing.
2) Why does chicken broth not exist at my Tesco?!? I'm resorting to bullion cubes.
3) Speaking of things that don't exist at Tesco..."Cajun seasoning." Yeah. Not going to happen. We're using the all-purpose savory seasoning mix already in my cupboard and pretending.
4) And as far as sausage goes, we have acquired half a kilo of Tesco's half-fat pork sausages and we're going to pretend. There is no Jimmy Dean over here. There is no Andouille sausage, either. If Mary ever reads this, she will probably pass out at my poor attempt to replicate her regional cuisine in Scotland.
Armed with £7 of assorted vaguely appropriate items, a new box of oatmeal, and toilet tissue, I headed back to the dorm to fit it all into the fridge. Since Amber left this morning for a two-month sojurn in Antarctica (yeah...we're just going to Firbush in Creative Writing), there was actually adequate fridge space. This gave me a moment to contemplate my package of sausages. What does one do with eight pork sausages, anyway? Fortunately, my cleaning lady walked in.
"Stupid question," I began, "but how does one cook sausages? I've never really cooked before."
She gave me a horribly pained look. "You've no' cooked before?"
"Not really. Not sausages. See, it's Thanksgiving tomorrow, and I'm trying to make this dressing...and Tesco has nothing Cajun..."
She patted my arm and explained that ten to fifteen minutes on the grill will do them nicely.
Great. All I have to do tomorrow is figure out which pot can work as a Dutch oven, get out my oatmeal freebie measuring cups (each of which holds about 2/3 cup water) and do a lot of guessing, finely chop many smelly vegetables using my mad knife skills, and grill sausages. I can do this.
My mother's comment: "I can hardly wait to hear how this turns out. You made me laugh out loud at 3:45am!"
Mom, you're not helping my self confidence, here.
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
The joys of metric
I know Precor machines - they're what we primarily had at Yale, and they're pretty intuitive. I had run on treadmills identical to the one I chose this morning, and I knew what speed settings I can do. When I started running the numbers today, however, the first thing it asked for was weight. 68kg? Higher? Lower?
This was not boding well. I just accepted it and moved on to the speed component, but found that my usual rate - somewhere in the 6.7 neighborhood - wasn't cutting it. Crap, I thought, jogging in place and glaring at the console, I don't do metric before breakfast. It's just not right.
There was one plus to the funky metric-calibrated machine, which was that I seemed much more hard-core than I am. After half an hour, I had run almost five kilometers at 9.2 km/h, which sounds much better than 3.1 miles at 6 mph.
I knew that didn't feel like 9.2.
Monday, November 20, 2006
Is is spring yet?
If complaining about homework is the great American collegiate pastime, complaining about the weather is the Scottish version. They have every right - I was watching the noon news today, and the forecast for the western side of Scotland was something like 6 C (roughly 44 F) with a 45-mph wind. Ours wasn't that bad - the wind was perhaps 25 mph or so - but then the rain moved in...
"Hey," Laurence told us, "we don't get hurricanes."
Ella had the best comeback of the day: "And now I know why the British say 'bloody' so much." Yes, the weather is indeed bloody awful.
Sunday, November 19, 2006
Another lazy Sunday
There was much church-going (morning and evening), and around that, I attempted to get in some exercise. I woke to sun this morning, so I suited up and put on gloves, then headed for the park. Lo and behold, the sidewalk was icy. Foreseeing something horrible happening on the long, shaded downhill, I decided to jog back and try again later. After lunch, I took a long walk around the park, ending just after sunset - you know, around ten after four.
This was followed by a quick trip to Shaw's, teriyaki turkey, and the consideration of purchasing a turkey for the week. Perhaps Wednesday, when I have no class - but this then raises the question of where to store the cooked turkey. Hmm... In any case, Thanksgiving is going to be a meatless affair this year. Mom, I miss your food.
Back to work tomorrow - I have an essay to edit in the next two weeks, and I want to get started on a fresh writing project...what else am I going to do with myself otherwise?
***Correction from Saturday: Princeton may have won one more game than we did, but it was non-Ivy, so it doesn't count. Hooray for co-champion status!
Saturday, November 18, 2006
Ice skating in Hell
Yale just beat Harvard, 34-13.
I never thought this day would come. '05 never saw a win. Neither did we. '07, you have redeemed yourselves. Well done, gentlemen. Well done.
Honestly, I don't care that Princeton is now the Ivy champion. We're number two. Harvard's not. By the way, Harvard, when your live update stops at 5:09 to go in the fourth quarter, that's not cool.
I like to think that my D'port sweatshirt had something to do with the win today, but somehow, I doubt it. Oh well. I should get back to my Postmodernism paper now, but I can't seem to get "Boola Boola" out of my head...
For once, that's a very good thing.
It's Game Day...
And so, armed with my D'port fleece, my D'port sweatshirt, my D'port scarf, and possibly my D'port hat if the weather takes a turn for the worse, I try to think happy thoughts about Yale's performance this afternoon. (Guys, if you don't beat Harvard, the ghosts of '05 and '06 will join with '07 in rising up and destroying you. But have a good time!)
Thanks to IvyGate, I just heard about the release of 108 Tongues's newest Game "anthem." For the uninformed, 108 Tongues is proof of why Yalies should never go on to become rappers. We just don't have the street cred, you know? Anyway, for a good laugh, or to hear the latest attempt to give the Yale-Harvard rivalry what IvyGate called a "Blood-Crips overlay," check these guys out:
(Parental Advisory: don't click the link if you're easily offended. The rhymes are bad, but they're very trashy nonetheless.)
Friday, November 17, 2006
A Day at Edinburgh Zoo
Today, we celebrated Ian's belated 22nd birthday by going to Edinburgh Zoo. The temperature was low, the wind speed was high, and the chance of rain was 90%. The polar bear looked comfortable...
Thursday, November 16, 2006
God says no to Zatarain's

Wednesday, November 15, 2006
So it rains in Edinburgh...
Other than that, it was an uneventful day. I edited. I started to work on the essay for my lit seminar. Apparently, there will be a screening of March of the Penguins tomorrow night and karaoke next week.
Grad school is thrilling, no?
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
Almost bedtime
Tomorrow, if I can drag people out, there will be karaoke. Huzzah for cheesy pop songs and pubs!
Other than that, I have no class tomorrow (it being Wednesday and all), so perhaps I'll settle in for a nice editing session. Perhaps not. Time will tell.
I need to stop typing now.
Monday, November 13, 2006
Weekend recovery
There are many things I never imagined myself saying before I came to Edinburgh:
"Let's get lunch at the mosque!"
"Half a pint of Strongbow, please."
"It's half seven, where the hell are you?"
"I've got to top up my mobile."
Probably the oddest among them is, "Hey! I got a letter from the convent! Sweet!" It's amazing what actual mail will do to lighten your spirits, especially when it's from nuns. This one wasn't from Mary, but Sr. Mary Karen said that they liked the candy I sent last time. Tablet is one of those things that crosses borders well. Haggis, not so much. Note to self...
Sunday, November 12, 2006
Inverness weekend
Well, it's pretty when the rain stops...
Leigh, Cali, and I left on Friday morning at an unfortunate hour for the capital of the Highlands aboard a double-decker bus, having secured provisions for the journey and made an impromptu hashbrown stop. The sky was cloudy but was holding steady, and we had high hopes for the weather. Too high, apparently, as the rain intermittently fell during the three-and-a-half-hour journey north, but we were treated to pretty Highland scenery, Highland coos, and more of the omnipresent sheep. We unloaded in Inverness to a windy, cold, moist afternoon, and, having taken control of the map, Leigh conducted us to the Ivor Villa, our B&B.

I had never stayed in a B&B, so I had little idea of what to expect. We were only having the bed portion (breakfast was an additional charge), but we found a nice triple room (with so-so heating), a bathroom with the "gravity shower," two cats, and a very welcome tea and coffee tray. Having dried a bit and discarded the bags, we set off to find food.

Our original plan for Saturday had been to walk to the hotel from whence the Jacobite Tours boat departed for Loch Ness, but this, we discovered that morning, was nine miles away. Undaunted, popped by St. Andrew's Cathedreal for a quick look, then opted for the tour that departed from our friendly neighborhood TIC. En route to the loch, we were regailed with stories about Drumnadrochit, Nessie, and ill-fated water speed attempts, and warned multiple times to be back at the car park by 1:30.

Returning to Ivor Villa, we realized we had to check out by 9 AM, giving us four hours to kill in Inverness. Strapped for ideas, we decided to visit the Inverness Floral Hall in the morning.

The Floral Hall had two things going for it: there were hothouses, and student admission was only £1.25. It wasn't great - hell, it wasn't really that good - but the koi were enormous, the "Secret Sensory Garden" was...erm...fragrant, and the hothouses were warm. Also, there were "mammiferous" cacti named for some woman. How's that for a token of love?
Realizing that we had managed to kill three hours, we returned to Girvans for lunch, grabbed last-minute snacks at the market, and speedwalked to the bus terminal, where we found our bus, an extended single-level affair, already boarding. Settling in at the rear of the back bus, we discovered that we were behind a group of rowdy high schoolers whose idea of bus behavior was turning on a radio and letting everyone enjoy the music. Luckily, we had headphones, and the kids got off at Perth for the Glasgow connection.

Thursday, November 09, 2006
And Uni gets its act together
I checked my bank balance today, only to realize that Accommodations finally debited half of my room fee on Halloween. Well, that's certainly nice, guys. I only had to send you how many e-mails before you took some of the funds? (And by the way, thanks for replying.)
They still haven't taken the full chunk, which makes me happy, since it still looks like I actually have several thousand dollars more than I really do. It was nice having a five-figure bank account. Perhaps I'll know the feeling again some day.
In other news, I'm going to Inverness with Cali and Leigh tomorrow, but two hours before we'd planned to go. Because Uni, for whatever reason, charged poor Leigh three times, she was unable to pre-purchase the correct bus tickets, and by the time she got the matter straightened out, the only tickets left were for the 8:40 AM bus. So yes, I will be a sad, sad panda (that's for you, Mac) in the morning, but with three hours to Inverness and a dozen or so Sudokus to do, I should be in good shape. If all else fails, there will be caffeine. If the bus catches fire (heaven forbid), I will make another blog movie. That seems to be the theme of my videographical works thus far, anyway.
Oh yes...I survived my first midterm assessment! I've never been so nervous about an ungraded assignment. See, kids, that's what too many years of being around Type-A personalities will do for you.
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
An odd day
Damn, I hate it when that happens. I had seen the House coming, but I thought the Senate would stay in Republican control. Ah well, you win some, you lose some, and Bob Riley's still my governor, so that's one plus of the day. Bob actually reminded all of us to vote with a Facebook status update yesterday, which really amused me.
The truly odd bit about today came in the form of an e-mail. Over one month ago, I discovered by asking around that I had not been selected to interview for a library position. Today, they finally bothered to tell me:
Thanks for your application for a Student Shelving Assistant post. I apologise for the unusually long delay in replying. I regret to tell you that, on this occasion, you have not been shortlisted for interview. We had a very large number of applications and matching the time slots of the posts available with the applicants meant that difficult choices had to be made.
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
Election day
Rumor has it that Teviot's hosting an election returns party tonight, which strikes me as a little silly, as the polls don't close until 7 PM or so. That would put the Eastern polls at midnight here, Central at 1 AM, etc. Honestly, I don't care that much about California's Congressional races. I don't intend to see 3 AM from the wrong side tonight; my ballot was mailed two weeks ago, and there's nothing I can do about it now. Besides, Alabama's elections haven't exactly captured the nation's attention lately.
I was supposed to have my one-to-one meeting about my portfolio today, but my professor appears to have contracted a mutation of the infamous Leighbola and has thus postponed our meeting. Leigh swears she had nothing to do with it, since she doesn't know the man. I might have been an unaffected carrier of the disease. Hurray for vitamins and sweet tea, which seem to be keeping me healthy to this point!
Monday, November 06, 2006
Remember, remember, the Sixth of November
As it turns out, aside from some crispy bracken and the pervasive smell of nasty smoke, not much.
But hey, kids, let's keep something in mind: if you've started a fire on a mountainside, chucking additional fireworks into the blaze is not a smart move.

This is about one-third the size of the last one. Sadly, my videography skills have not improved.
Sunday, November 05, 2006
Bonfire Night 2006
The resulting video should be viewed with four things in mind:
1) I'm not so great with video cameras, and this wasn't even a proper video camera, anyway.
2) The lighting was anything but ideal.
3) I didn't have a tripod.
4) I didn't realize I had sound until I imported the files. Huh. Imagine that.
That said, Cali and I think the premise (sitting around, watching something bad happen while making comments and passing the candy) could have a great future as a one-act play. This video, however...well, judge for yourself.
Come on, Hype
Over a late lunch today, I picked up a copy of the university's student magazine, Hype, and glanced through its pages.
Good Lord, someone get those people a copy editor!
I don't consider myself to be a grammar snob - I certainly make my share of gaffes and typos - but if the text is going to print, it should be proofread by multiple people! (I learned this the hard way in high school when a particularly fine issue of the magazine I edited and printed had no fewer than six typos in twenty pages. Ouch.) The Yale Daily News, for example, a paper staffed primarily by undergraduates, has its own dedicated copy staff, and while I certainly noticed the occasional slip-up in the YDN over the course of four years, no single issue contained as many errors as the few pages of Hype I read today. For crying out loud, Rumpus, which is admittedly a low-rent tabloid, makes fewer errors than did this issue of Hype!
Darlings, a few suggestions:
1) Its' is not the possessive form of it. There's no excuse for that one. I never want to see that again.
2) Unless it is part of a legitimate title, please refrain from repeatedly using & in the text of a feature article.
3) I admit that I'm a fan of the Oxford comma, but I can live without it as long as you're consistent about it! Switching styles in the magazine is bad enough, but switching styles in a given piece is ridiculous.
4) While this blog's font doesn't usually show it, allow me to import two forms of the apostrophe:
Have a little pride in your publication, Hype. Will someone on the editorial board kindly invest in a copy of The Elements of Style and, for extra credit, a copy of Eats, Shoots & Leaves? If you can't be bothered, well, I can think of at least one postgrad willing to give Hype a weekly once-over for a nominal fee.
Going native
Today I had a few moments alone with Isa, an adorable 97-year-old lady and former choir member who knows everyone at church, even if she can't see or hear them most of the time. Unfortunately, Isa has poor eyesight and is rather hard of hearing, so the way to talk to her is, apparently, to shout in her right ear. Fair enough.
Maggie, one of the sopranos, made the initial introductions by shouting my name a few times (Roy the organist later had to spell it out for clarification), and was then called out of the room. "Sorry to leave!" she said to me. "Isa is deaf!"
At that moment, Isa asked me where I was from. Figuring I had better give as many clues as possible without yelling it, I slowly replied, "United States."
"Oh, that's nice," she smiled. "Glasgow is a lovely city."
I tried a few times to get it across to her (Roy's comments in front of the two of us about American hymn tunes notwithstanding), but gave it up. She's too cute to yell at, and that's the first time anyone's taken me for Scottish.
Friday, November 03, 2006
Guilty pleasures
The morning began with a pleasant walk in the...ahem...crisp autumn air. Leigh and I now know why so many people over here are pale with rosy cheeks.
Afterwards, I went to the theater to procure Borat tickets for tonight, then noticed the St. James shopping center, and thought I should check it out. The first store was an HMV, so I gave in and completed my Meat Loaf collection.

On the way back, I caved and bought a £3 Starbucks Gingerbread Latte. Not as sweet as the American version, which was a disappointment, but it gives me something to look forward to at Christmas.
Also, plans are in the works for an Inverness weekend next's about time we did some Loch Ness monster spotting!
Thursday, November 02, 2006
A good day all around
1) Weather: Cold, but not yet to the point of eyelids frozen shut and chapped hands. Also clear and sunny, which counts for a heck of a lot in these parts.
2) Food: My much-delayed care packages arrived, bringing more muffin mix than I know what to do with and five dozen cookies. Two dozen of these cookies contain Reese's Peanut Butter Cups. Guess which ones we're eating first...
3) Entertainment: Our professors put on a "Day of the Dead" reading after class today. There was screwcap wine. I volunteered to pour the wine, which made me remember the good old days of the Mellon Forum. Oh Aides, more vino!
4) Tomorrow's Prospects: Leigh and I will take a morning constitutional around the park, and then I will go to the theater to purchase tickets for the Borat movie tomorrow night. This should prove rather amusing...more to come!
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
Farewell, Bob Barker

A few highlights from the article:
1) Bob has been on national television for 50 years and on TPIR for 35.
2) According to Bob, "I will be 83 years old on December 12, and I've decided to retire while I'm still young."
3) Bob is willing to consider film roles during his retirement, but wishes to make one thing clear: "I refuse to do nude scenes. These Hollywood producers want to capitalize on my obvious sexuality, but I don't want to be just another beautiful body."
4) Bob will end his final show with his usual tag: "Help control the pet population. Have your pet spayed or neutered."
Bob, you can still grope the contestants, hang out with the Beauties, and get kissed by who knows how many college students and grandmothers per year. Hollywood needs a body like yours, you stud. Carry on, o Sultan of the Showcase Showdown.