Wednesday, February 21, 2007

The Golden Hour

I read tonight at The Forest's "The Golden Hour," which was fun, and was helped along considerably by Leigh and Cali, who came armed with strawberry-infused White Zin.

That said, there was only one crowd favorite tonight: the 1989 safe sex video.

Picture the following: a fairly ordinary man and woman are seated on a bed in full daylight, while soft Muzak plays in the background. They are completely nude. The narrator then describes the contents of the safe sex box...

First is latex gloves, because they're just that sexy. You know, to hide calluses and sharp nails, and prevent actual bodily contact.
Then comes gel. One has been "clinically proven" to kill HIV. The man and woman seem rather bored with this.
Next is latex glove, during which time the announcer informs us that prostitutes in many countries have wised up to the transmission of diseases and now use condoms. Then the woman does her thing. The man seems bored.
We'll skip the next bit, but it involved yet another latex sheet and more boredom. The last part was the best: the man and woman kiss through a latex safety sheet.

This is the kind of intimacy only Monk, the OCD-afflicted detective, could love. The audience found it amusing, to say the least.

Poor Ben. His piece was funny, but how was anyone supposed to follow that?

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