Monday, June 25, 2007


For some reason, Edinburgh has decided that proper June weather is 55 and rainy.

That said, when we went out to Frankenstein's last night, I decided to chance it and not wear the raincoat I've been living in for the last year, or carry an umbrella. On the way over, the weather held, but little did we know that the rain, this time accompanied with gusts for good measure, would return when we decided to leave.

Picture this: three sane people are in rain jackets. One's in a coat, but doesn't care. Ian's walking along, eating his pizza as the box gets soaked through, while I'm carrying mine and running into bus shelters every so often while the rest of the group catches up. When we got back, my makeup was running, my coat and dress were soaked, my hair looked like I'd just stepped from the shower, and the security guard was laughing. Bastard.

Today was less than productive - it's never a good sign when you have to redry your bangs pre-gym because they've dried so oddly the night before - but I did get to see the first episode of Red Dwarf on YouTube, which was quite amusing. Yay, Britcoms!

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