Tuesday, August 11, 2009


To kill time/improve physical fitness/see the area, I've been taking long walks in the last few days. Yesterday's was a nine-mile slog downtown, so I decided to give my legs a break and go for something shorter and greener this afternoon.

Unfortunately, the route into the country gets a tad crowded during rush hour, and since there's no proper sidewalk, you basically have to get onto the shoulder and pray. Still, it's lovely out there, I've been seeing wildlife (Deer! Groundhog!), and the terrain is nice and hilly.

And then there's the dude who lives about a quarter-mile down the road.

As I passed by this afternoon, headphones firmly in place, I chanced to look over and spotted him sitting in a lawn chair in his side yard, positioned directly in front of what appeared to be a barrel for leaf burning. Across his lap was a shotgun.

I seriously hope he was waiting to kill rabbits or something. In any case, I picked up my pace.

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