Monday, June 09, 2008

Week in review

Last week was a week of assembly – putting together a flat-packed bookcase without annoying my neighbors (easier said than done), buying hanging baskets for the patio (keeping the plants alive has proven something of a challenge, however), cleaning up my crates of books, throwing away the last of the cardboard boxes, and, hours before my party Saturday evening, scouring every store I had yet to visit (and a few I had) for a patio table. I finally found one at Hobby Lobby – one within price range, unlike those $250 “sale” tables at Hollywood Pools, sheesh – and bought candles to put outside, in case the night turned cooler. Suffice it to say the candles came inside when they began melting in the heat, and the patio table has yet to be used. So it goes. Other than that, it was great to finally be able to host a get-together without inconveniencing my folks.

This was a weekend of culture, high and low. On Friday, a friend and I went to Jesus Christ Superstar (since he had free tickets, conveniently enough). I was expecting Phantom-esque spectacle. What I got was a version of the Passion, if it had been staged by Pink Floyd and a bunch of dirty hippies, and a very conflicted Mary Magdalene in a low-cut red dress. Jesus seemed a touch old for the role (maybe he was just vocally tired from the tour), but Judas, who used to sing in Living Colour, was pretty sweet. “Isn’t the music great?” my mother asked when I told her I’d seen it. Then she paused, adding, “Well, it’s great if you’re from my generation.”

Tonight, making a last-minute decision to not watch the Law & Order mini-marathon, I went to see Kung-Fu Panda. It’s pretty cute – there are certainly moments, though Jack Black’s “awesome” comments kept reminding me of Tenacious D & the Pick of Destiny. Best line? “We do not wash our pits in the Pool of Sacred Tears.” Priceless.

Aside from my…ahem, cultural pursuits, I tried Pilates tonight at the Rec. I’m feeling alright at the moment, aside from a cramped neck, but I’m foreseeing pain in the morning…

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