Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Arrrr, matey

As the e-mails in the box reminded me this morning, it be "Talk Like a Pirate" Day, matey. Arrr. Pass the rum.

That said, I can't keep it up. I think pirates, I think Caribbean, I think warm weather and sea breezes. Well, we have the sea breezes, all right - they're just a bit on the nippy side, and they brought rain again. This is Day 2 of what appears to be ten days of rain, if weather.co.uk is correct. Dear God, I hope not. I appreciated the break in the weather for my morning run (though the fire alarm on my return wasn't great...ah, just like old times in Davenport!), but this rain business is putting a damper on my desire to go exploring. Then again, perhaps that's a good thing...classes start today, after all!


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