Thursday, September 14, 2006


What a difference a day makes! This was the view from my window this morning - that's Arthur's Seat...oh, wait, my bad, those are the clouds obscuring Arthur's Seat, bringing an all-day rain. Even my cleaning lady admitted that this was nasty, and that's saying something.

Regardless of the weather, this was a very good day. After trial and error, I finally found a VoiP that works (hold your breath)! Now I can give my US cell a rest...

LLC Induction was nowhere nearly as painful as Postgrad Induction, thank God, but several of us skipped out on the "wine and nibbles" for coffee, tea, and various toasted things. Following that was the Freshers' Ceilidh (pronounced "Kaylee," as far as I can get), which is like square dancing on steroids, minus the amazing YGC caller. What we lacked in mummified callers was made up for in crazy spinning dances. I might have to look into Highland dancing next week...

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