Wednesday, December 06, 2006

My dog is insane

Callie, our almost-four-month-old Border Collie, is adorable, alert, playful, intelligent...and completely insane.

Her favorite method of greeting is the Leg Jump, in which she aims for the waist and attempts to scale one's pants. Sometimes she gets traction, sometimes not. Sometimes she bites one's cuffs or shoes for kicks. If successful in her ascent, she will then lick/chew any exposed skin within reach.
After the formalities, Playtime commences. Playtime is actually a constant state of affairs - as the Border Collie book says, this breed considers naps a complete waste of time. If adult Border Collies have the intelligence of a five-year-old, Callie's somewhere around two - if she's not being amused, she will make her presence known, either by bringing over one of her approximately two dozen squeaky toys or starting back with the Leg Jump.

She has a proclivity for jumping, actually, whether on people or on the couch (or on people on the couch, she's not picky). She will also climb people and begin a furious bout of licking/chewing. Sometimes she drags a squeaky toy or two into the fray. I discovered a piece of rawhide left in my lap at the computer this afternoon.

Today, we acquired our new Mooing Cow, the current hit. The cow comes with a lovely, not-so-realistic voicebox which Callie has almost learned to operate. When she can't make it talk, she just shakes the bejeezus out of it.

Callie's wearing herself out now, since we have to begin the Bedtime Ritual in five minutes. She gets Christmas music at night. Slightly spoiled? Maybe, but she's cute.

When she's not climbing my head, that is.

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