Saturday, December 16, 2006


This hasn't been the most productive 48-hour period of my life. I got my portfolio up to date (I had no idea my Texas retreats piece would be the December cover of ET!), did a little girlie shopping, and basically lounged around.

The one truly annoying thing about this vacation is that I seem to be unable to sleep through the night. For no good reason, I'll wake up three or four times between midnight and seven, usually just for a moment, but it disrupts my sleep. It also gives me odd insight into my dreams...

Oh dear...

The worst night thus far has to be the one in which I woke up hourly between midnight and six. It's now 10:30, so I'll try to stay up a bit longer, think happy thoughts, and try to get a solid night's sleep. Tomorrow night is the Christmas program at church, and I want to be prepped for that.

I should look over the music...

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