Monday, May 05, 2008

A most excellent birthday weekend

My travel plans worked out last week, allowing me to come home Friday night in time for my birthday. Not that I have anything against Frankfort or the Derby, but I didn't particularly want to spend the weekend alone in a hotel. That's just depressing.

For a couple of hours, however, I thought I might not make it. I knew we were due for some thunderstorms, but I had no idea how intense the band was, nor how quickly it would hit. I had left Danville by 10:30, cleared 127 and the Cumberland Parkway, and gassed up before turning back onto I-65 for the straight shot home, and then it began to rain. Less than an hour later, roughly 20 miles from the Tennessee line, I pulled off at a Wendy's for lunch and managed to get inside just before the deluge. Lightning struck near the building, making the restaurant's power blink and my cell phone go haywire. When the manager turned the TV back on (who knew Wendy's was investing in flat screens?), she turned it to the Weather Channel, and we began to hear reports of how bad this system had been: tornadoes in Oklahoma and Arkansas, wind damage, hail...the list went on of thing one would rather not drive through. As soon as the rain lightened past flood conditions, I sprinted back to my rental car and tried to make tracks south, hoping to outrun the weather heading east. Of course, I was stalled getting back to the Interstate because half the traffic lights were out and everyone had to play chicken at lunchtime, and once I did get back on, the rain returned with a vengeance. Two or three times before I reached Nashville, the rain was so bad that everyone around, including the semis, slowed to under 40 mph and drove with hazards on. Driving through 20 miles of roadwork did nothing to improve my nerves, but everything cleared north of Nashville, and the skies were beautifully blue in Birmingham. Go figure.

Of course, what was lovely about coming home sans wet rental car was finding my new MINI in the driveway. Since Jen's taking the Beetle to grad school, my folks found a great car for me. It's adorable, it sips gas, and it has all the bells and whistles - the auctioneer who bought it knew what he was doing! The only downside for the time being is that I'll have to take it to Atlanta to get it serviced properly, but that's not for another 10,000 miles or so.

The weekend only got better from there. I did have to get up for a 9 a.m. Requiem rehearsal - which meant driving through the mess I'd skirted the day before, plus fog - but my mother made breakfast (including mimosas, maybe not the best thing to drink before rehearsal!), I unwrapped a new necklace to wear, and Coke always helps when you don't really want to be conscious. It's been two years since I last sang the piece, and I was surprised how much I still have memorized, including those awkward tenor lines for which the altos were recruited in high school. Thanks, Dr. Thomas!

When I came home, Mom declared we were going to get a new GPS (since I could never make my TomTom work again), then go furniture shopping, even though I don't technically have an apartment yet. First, we drove down to Alabaster to check out this warehouse...

Note to self: never, ever go furniture shopping at a place that bills itself as "Between: Alabama Thrift Store and Save-O-Lot" [sic]. Not only was their location sketchy to the nth, they couldn't even spell their neighbor's name correctly. Their brochure was a study in how to butcher English. I swear, I see fewer mistakes in my ESL clients' papers, and they've got a legitimate excuse to make errors. Pathetic.

We quickly turned around and headed back to Rooms To Go, picked out my rooms, did some shopping for Jen's apartment, and headed home. (We bought mother doesn't mess around.) I vegged for the rest of the afternoon, including a most lovely nap, and then it was off to a very late dinner at Hot and Hot Fish Club. I hadn't yet been, but the chef worked with Frank Stitt, and it shows. Great restaurant, if way out of my usual price range. (Shrimp and grits...yum.)

Yesterday, we had orchestra practice at 3 p.m., then a concert at 7. I've never quite done the Requiem twice in one day, but whatever. It was a benefit concert.

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