Sunday, October 21, 2007

It's Sunday already?

This weekend has been a tad on the hectic side.

Thursday was my long day, but culminated in a private reception for the Pompeii exhibit at the Museum of Art. If you're in the Birmingham area between now and February, I highly recommend it - they even brought some of the original plaster casts of the body cavities.

On Friday, I had a meeting downtown at 8:30, then dashed home to go to Atlanta with my parents for the NATAS Silver Circle award dinner that night. Though we were in good time, most of our table (and the other guests) were delayed by the typical Atlanta Friday traffic, which sadly included a wreck that killed the driver and her two-year-old. On a much more pleasant note, Mom had her induction, the three-minute video went off without a hitch, and there was much dabbing at the eyes. Mom's was the only video to include congratulations from a governor, but the one that had the most laughs was for Bill Chapman of Turner, whose art department tweaked the old Batman cartoon intro to include his former blond mullet, then had "interview" clips with Harvey Birdman. Then again, almost everyone being inducted had a few laughs, as some of the wardrobe and hair decisions made in the '70s and '80s were scary at best. Think Anchorman, people.

Yesterday was the drive home, and then I went to Jen's birthday party at Sarah Louise's apartment last night, where it turned out that a second person was celebrating a birthday as well. Sarah Louise is the consummate hostess, and those of us chatting in the kitchen wondered how she got so many matching dishes and forks. The birthday cake had a spiderweb and spider on top, and party favors were served in "Boo Y'all!" cups. Adorable. Afterwards, we headed downtown for karaoke, which was fun but for the fact that Birmingham still permits smoking in bars. My shirt and purse are airing outside today, as I would really rather not take the shirt to the dry cleaners, and I had to shower when I came in at 1 AM, since I refuse to go to bed smelling like an ashtray.

Sunday school began the day today, and then I strapped on my new knee brace and went for another 10K jog around the lake. After the walk home, when I realized I was dehydrated and probably overheating, I downed a liter of water and a cup of shrimp and grits (don't knock it until you've tried it), then showered again to get the dried salt off and crashed for an hour and a half. I'm now going to attempt to write a piece on plum in women's fashion this fall. My family continues to mock me.

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