Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Possibly insane

It's official. I, the fat kid of the 40-minute mile, am registered for my very first 10K.

I really had no plans to do this, but after running with Rosanna and seeing what pacing is all about, I think this just might be possible. I've been slowing down this week (no mean feat with the dog on my arm), and I did 4.4 miles this morning without feeling like I wanted to collapse in the street. Fortunately for my training purposes, Star Lake's one mile away and nearly flat, so the worst bit of the run is that last mile home, which is mostly uphill. I love this neighborhood.

A 10K is 6.2 miles, so I have a little ways to go, but the race isn't until November 3, a whopping 17 days away. Still, Rosanna, who has been training properly, did her first 6-mile run this morning. Time to play catch-up...

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