Saturday, October 31, 2009

A Halloween Scene

[Knocking at door]

Me: [Sits up, looks at Ghost Hunters marathon, wonders if Robert's come by. Realizes it's Halloween, and knocking can mean only one thing.] Coming! [Makes sure pajama top is decent and scrambles for door.]

Mini-ninja: Trick or treat!

Me: One second! [Closes door, removes legs from spider dip bowl, thanks God for candy left by complex manager yesterday. Finds that mini-ninja has kept door propped open and his brother is knocking next door.] Here you go! Take whichever you like.

Mom: [from the foot of the stairs] We've got one down here in a stroller, too! That's why there are three bags!

Me: No worries! So, you're a ninja?

Mini-ninja: Yeah.

Mom: Say "yes, ma'am!"

Me: [Dies a little inside]

After the visit from the mini-ninja and his brother, the ghoul, I'm down to two Tootsie Rolls and the candy left over from Jen's party last night, which, unfortunately, is all open and/or tainted with caramel. We ate all the Nerds, which were the only boxed item. So now, in case little neighbors come calling, here are the options:

1) The half-dozen bags I just assembled with two Twizzlers and a handful of candy corn each, which their moms will promptly throw away. But hey, it's the thought that counts, right? Right?

2) Granola bars, which Jen has put on par with Charlie Brown's bag of rocks.

3) An intact bag of candy corn.

4) An intact bag of Harris Teeter marshmallows.

5) Beer. But I'm checking IDs first.

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