Saturday, November 21, 2009

Harvard Sucks

You know, I thought this was going to be the year. I honestly did.

Since 2002, when I first had a reason to take an interest in The Game, Yale has won exactly once: in 2006, when I had to watch via Flash animation from my dorm room in Scotland. Today's setup was much better--actual television, sofa, lack of five-hour time zone difference--but the result was, unfortunately, what I've come to anticipate from the Bulldogs. There's no need to rehash it. Still, mad props to the guy who was playing with his arm in a massive cast--dude, that's dedication.

Two sources of consolation brightened the fourth-quarter pit of despair this afternoon:

1) You could hear the student section chanting "Harvard Sucks!" over the announcers on Versus.

2) Instead of having to stand in the cold/rain/snow and fight my way back to campus, I got to watch from the comfort of my living room, yell at the television, and then go back to my Contracts outline.

On second thought, that last one is still fairly depressing. "School on Monday!" loses its ring when one does, in fact, have school on Monday.

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