Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Duck problems

Today was a bit on the long, draining side, as I had my five Southern Progress intern interviews to get through. Most were quite pleasant, though one required a surprise edit test. Ah, the joys of editorial...

On my run this morning, I noticed something odd on the sidewalk around the lake, and so I stopped for a closer look after the next lap. Turns out that a pair of rather silly ducks have decided to build a nest, half-dozen eggs and all, in the middle of the sidewalk. This doesn't seem to be the most sensible choice; ducks tend to build in the saw grass (or whatever those prickly bushes are), where nothing can get to them, but this nest is exposed to every jogger and dog who passes by. Considering that I found a duck with its head chewed off only last week, I doubt these eggs are going to see hatching day.

Tonight, Sarah Louise hosted an impromptu House party, delicious cheese dip and all. This was followed by The Office, which I had yet to watch until tonight. Not bad at all.

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