Thursday, November 01, 2007


This Halloween was quite different from last year's "Tuxedos and Blood" party, but hey, it was warm. I wore a coat over jeans and was actually warm outside. This hasn't happened for the last five years, and all things considered, it was a pleasant change of affairs.

Halloween actually began around 4 AM, when I got up to go run the course for Saturday with Rosanna's running group. Unlike most of the runners, I was able to go home afterwards, shower, and crash. Around 10:30, I got up and went to Homewood to pick up my runner's packet, and some random guy actually wished me luck. Aww...

The evening began with my friend Roy at Birmingham-Southern's Halloween party. Neither of us quite realized that the party was really only for kids, but that was alright; if we had been their age, it would have been awesome. As it was, we had fun watching the frat brothers get pied and the kids digging for bones, and then Chinese food sounded really good...

An hour and entirely too much dinner later, we drove over to Sarah Louise's apartment for "Non-scary Scary Movie Night", featuring Scream and The Craft. Besides two cheesy-wonderful movies, the seven of us gathered were also treated to Sarah Louise's amazing spread of goodies, including caramel apples, cider, homemade crayfish dip, and two kinds of popcorn with decorative rubber snakes inside the boxes. Not that I could eat much after dinner, but I tried...hey, "snake fighting" takes it out of you, right?

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