Sunday, November 04, 2007

Long weekend

I'm not sure where this weekend went, but I know I spent a good deal of it running around or waiting to run around, and now I have sore feet. Lately, though, that's nothing new.

The exciting bit of news for me today was finding the results from Vulcan, as both their site and the BTC's have been down over the weekend. I knew I wasn't in the top 200 women, seeing as my name wasn't in the paper this morning, but I was 321st (of 897) in the women's category, and 30th (of 91) in the women 20-24 group. The good news is that I beat the 70-year-old woman's time. The less good, however, is that my 9:14 split isn't going to win prizes any time soon. That's okay - this race was about finishing, and I ran the 10K in 57:20, definitely a personal best for me. 1,074th of 1,989 isn't too bad for a beginner. Besides, the insanely fast Kenyans had this thing licked before we ever began.

To celebrate, Mom bought me a Vulcan windbreaker yesterday, which I assume is going to get quite a bit of mileage in the next few months, since it fits me better and draws fewer stares than does my Yale Archery jacket. The next big race is the Mercedes half-marathon in February, which is slightly more than double a 10K, and I've got less than 14 weeks to train.

I ran eight miles today. There was no commemorative jacket, but hey, Mercedes promises a finisher's medal that's shaped like a heavy version of the hood ornament. What more could a girl ask for? (Besides more blister pads, I mean...)

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