Sunday, January 13, 2008


It has taken me better than a week, what with work and a proofreading job to occupy my time, but I finally managed to complete my scrapbook tonight. This is my largest by far - I had to add an additional ten pages to the album, and that's the jumbo size - but since it begins back in the summer of 2006, I think it's justifiably large.

I've been doing yearly albums since China Tour at the end of high school. They make nice souvenirs, since I have a tendency to hold on to ticket stubs and programs. This one is more photo-heavy than my albums usually are, but Scotland's just so photogenic. Actually, most of my best pictures aren't in this album; landscapes are nice, but when you've only got room for so many pictures, you've got to maximize your space. I'll have some of those printed and framed when I get an apartment, and hang them near my Skye boat and coo pictures.

Strange, to look back over a year and a half of accumulated detritus. I've got everything in there from a plane ticket stub to Randy Owen's autograph...

What a weird year 2007 turned out to be.

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