Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Sweeney Todd

My friend Roy braved the possible sleet (hey, this is Birmingham, and we take our winter weather seriously!) to see Sweeney Todd with me tonight. Having never seen the musical, I had heard that the movie was good but gory, and I was looking forward to seeing it, even if I ended up watching bits with my eyes closed.

I've got to hand it to Tim Burton and Johnny Depp - they make one heck of a weird, wonderful team. Add Helena Bonham Carter, Alan Rickman, Sacha Baron Cohen, and Timothy Spall to the mix, and you've got a great cast of slightly twisted actors. Spall's a great toady - I recognized him from Enchanted, then later realized he's Peter Pettigrew in HP3 - and Alan Rickman has 'unlikeable' down to a science. The scenery is classically Burton-esque, the blood is so over-the-top it's only slightly disturbing, and the eyeshadow is abundant. Plus, someone is singing every time you turn around. It borders on camp, but it's a good time.

The only downside to the evening was the theater lights, which came on sporadically throughout the screening. Bizarre...

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