Thursday, August 13, 2009

Happy Days Are Here Again

Late this morning, I obsessively checked LawWeb for the umpteenth time, only to discover that my two-week "Well, maybe they're giving themselves a large window" vigil was at an end. The section list was up.

I soon learned that I was a member of section J, which meant little at the time but allowed me to grab my tote bag and head for the bookstore to complete my 1L Fall Term Library. (We're not sure how the sections are divided, but my guess involves a Sorting Hat.) Fortunately, the bookstore has the 1L buying spree down to a science, and once I told the clerk my section letter, she quickly walked me down the line, pulling copies while barely stopping to check the labels. $500 later, I left with three casebooks and assorted paperbacks. It could have been worse: some of the sections, in lieu of books, had copied packets to buy next door. Good times.

As I was contemplating my purchases, I decided to head for the lounge, where I noticed that the students milling about fell into one of two camps. In the first were the 1Ls, wearing jeans or shorts, t-shirts, and sandals, carrying bookstore bags and looking generally lost. In the second were the 2Ls, who sported business suits and briefcases, and sat around scarfing trail mix and drinking coffee between interviews. There was no mingling, but then I suppose the 2Ls had more important matters on their minds.

Shortly thereafter, I headed back to the apartment and returned to LawWeb, where I found the course listings and started looking for my section. I scrolled down, seeking out the Js, and then I found it: 8:50 a.m. class, five days a week.

First thought: Aw, crud.

Second thought: This is God's idea of a practical joke after the last year of 8 a.m. freshman English classes.

It turned out that my section isn't the only one thus scheduled, and no one seems to care for the arrangements. Still, I consoled myself over dinner with good company and delicious sweet potato fries. Let's hope the nine-mile walk this morning was good for something!

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