Wednesday, September 30, 2009


I appear to have contracted the class plague (no, not the Avian Swine Flu Pox o' Doom), which, while annoying, gave me a fabulous excuse to get 11 hours of sleep last night. It's also taught me a few things lately:

1) Remembering your dreams is not all it's cracked up to be, especially once you realize that most of them are law school-related. Seriously, subconscious, I'm already spending the majority of my waking hours there--could we get a tad more creative, please? I'm chalking this one up to the cold drugs and moving along.

2) Vicks Vaporub is magical. Messy, smelly, but magical.

3) I'm willing to give zinc lozenges a try, but for the record, sticking one in your mouth and falling asleep is a horrible idea. I woke up three hours later with a mouth that tasted like a truckload of pennies, and brushing my teeth didn't help. Sheesh, I thought part of this experience was losing your sense of taste...

In sum, I doubt I'm contagious (this thing started coming on before Foxfield), but if I sniff loudly or give anyone a glassy-eyed stare today, I'm really sorry. Oh, joy--there's nothing quite like being annoyingly symptomatic.

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