Monday, September 28, 2009

Recovering from the races

Yesterday was my first Foxfield outing, an introduction to the glories of steeplechase and to the tailgating prowess of my fellow 1Ls. Fried chicken. Hummus. Pizza. Cookies. Fruit trays...

...oh yes, and ridiculous amounts of alcohol. Section H wins the Classiest Cocktail award for mint juleps (with five gallons of fresh, homemade, mint-infused simple syrup). The LLMs came up with something unidentifiable but reportedly strong. Several sections, including J, went Southern with sweet tea vodka and various mixers, while one section just bypassed the bottles in favor of pouring the punch straight into the cooler. (Hey, whatever works, folks.) I broke down around 11:30 and had a mint julep, figuring that as long as I was going to walk around a muddy field in a newly-trimmed hat, I should drink something vaguely reminiscent of Kentucky. Then again, drinking said mint julep from a red Solo cup kind of killed the ambiance.

There were sunburns, there were long lines at the Port-a-lets, there was seersucker and madras and a tux with tails, and at least one guy too far gone to keep from falling over himself. There were adorable terrier races and, surprisingly enough, actual horses. (I know, I know, some students have never seen a horse at Foxfield--they're rather like the yeti. Fast, sweaty yeti.) Yes, there were horses, and jockeys to ride the horses--all except the jockey riding #3, the horse on which I was unofficially betting, who managed to fall off said horse in the final stretch of the first race. Hey, as long as you're down, might as well wander over to the Law Tailgating Ghetto and grab yourself a cold one, buddy.

Everyone seemed to be none the worse for wear today, though the Virginia Law Weekly complained last Friday that we weren't getting Yom Kippur, "the Jewish holy day of Foxfield hangovers," off from class. At least we're in the home stretch before Fall Break, the long weekend of outlining and pre-midterm cramming.

Um, party?

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