Saturday, August 11, 2007

Being quasi-productive

Today, I decided last night, would be the day. After having received my advisor's blessing, I was primed to print my dissertation, get it bound, hand it in, and generally get this monkey off my back.

Of course, this being Edinburgh, it decided to rain this morning, meaning that I had to think long and hard about going to EBS for higher-grade laser paper. Seeing as I was already damp from running to the laundry room, I sucked it up and returned with a 500 pack, then began the process of coaxing my Lexmark to spit out a copy of my dissertation.

Did I mention that said dissertation is 117 pages long? Since formatting guidelines stipulate double spacing and single-sided pages, my project is nearly an inch thick on high-grade paper.

Anyway, having printed the first copy without running out of ink, I sat down with a red pen for the final round of corrections. I ended up reprinting some 25 pages, then printed the entire thing again during dinner.

Dissertationed-out, I braved the Fringe crowds and trekked to Princes Street to get a ticket for One-Man Star Wars Trilogy, which is really excellent. If you like the movies at all, the show's a riot. Best lines:

Luke: Why didn't you tell me?!?
Ben: I forgot...

The fact that his Jabba impression is using his forearms as massive lips is amazing. The fact that he also does a one-man Lord of the Rings, which he's currently not allowed to tour, rocks my world. Please, someone, give this man the necessary permissions. I want to see him do the Fellowship!

Anyway, I'll think about getting my project bound on Monday, or whenever Alan sends around the final guidelines for the title page. If anyone needs roughly 200 sheets of high-grade paper, let me know...

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