Friday, August 10, 2007

Solo again

I said goodbye to my parents (and half my closet) at the airport this morning after a whirlwind two weeks of braving the Royal Mile and the freaky thespians trying to induce me to take their fliers. Strange to be walking back, passing the Radisson, and realizing I had no reason to darken their doorway again, unless I wanted tapas at Itchykoo (which is, incidentally, very good). With my parents gone, I've lost access to an oversized bed with a great mattress, which was perfect for lounging upon when watching their room television, which actually had channels. They complained about the programming, but when you've spent the year with 4.5 channels, Sky and full Channel Five are heaven. I actually watched House and Law & Order for the first time in months. House has a dog? Wilson's divorced? I've missed so much...

Also, GMTV, your new Friday segment with Elvis sing-alongs and Star Trek fan movies is abysmal. Please fire the producer, posthaste.

As I, too, will be on a westbound plane in 18 days, the time has come for me to do everything I've liked/forgotten/put off once more before I head home. Topping the list is printing the dissertation, which will be an almighty pain, but I'm also planning to hit up some Fringe shows and buy teaspoons. My mother wants cute British teaspoons, as they actually sit nicely on a saucer. Since there was no way in hell another thing was going to fit in their four suitcases (two of which were my fault), I'm to carry home the goods at the end of the month. It's off to John Lewis this afternoon, but only after I hit up Tesco. After two weeks of eating out, my larder is a tad on the empty side.

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