Tuesday, August 28, 2007

I have to pack my computer now

The last things to go into a suitcase: deodorant, toothbrush, laptop...

Drinking before bed gives me strange, vivid dreams, but at least it makes me sleep, which I usually don't have the night before a trip. As it was, I woke at 6:15, only one hour before my alarm was scheduled to go off, which isn't too shabby. Thank you, Feijoa Sour, Honey Monster, and Diet Pepsi, for guaranteeing that consciousness will last at least long enough to get me on the plane. After that, I don't really care what happens, so long as I wake up in Newark with my luggage.

I gave in and had one last meal of Tesco lemon and coriander couscous and peas last night, as I didn't want Chinese two dinners in a row and had already thrown away my soy sauce. I go now to finish cleaning out my kitchen cabinets, make myself a bowl of oatmeal, and catch a few minutes of GMTV. First, though, I have to pack this computer, which means these are my final minutes on ResNet. Hallelujah.

Guys, y'all have been great, and it's been a pleasure meeting you. All the best with the packing, moving, TAing, and job hunting, and please do keep in touch! That, as I've been reminded, is what Facebook's for.

Goodbye for now, Edinburgh. I'll try to haste myself back.

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