Sunday, August 26, 2007

Odds and ends

Sunday morning was bittersweet. I read in church for the third time (and didn't shake, for once, thank God), and then Ian called me back up for a little presentation and Q&A...

"So, easy first question: tell us where you're from."
"Birmingham, Alabama." [Silence] "The States..."
"Ah, that explains it."
"Yes, the other Birmingham."

He then handed me a sweet card from the choir and a lovely pewter quaich, and there was much post-service hugging and admonitions to come back soon. Roy even let me escape with one of the old hymnals, so now I actually have a record of the songs I've sight-read this year. On the way out, I was given one more card, this one by Norma's mother, who hugs me every Sunday morning.

One of the readings this morning was Acts 20:17-35, in which Paul stands on the shore and bids farewell to the Ephesians, telling them he'll never see them again. Ian said it was oddly appropriate, all things considered, but we both hope to leave off the last bit. I'm really going to miss Kirk o'Field. It's tiny, but the people are as nice as they come. I also have a standing invitation to pop back into the choir any time I'm in town, which I do hope to take advantage of in the near future.

Other than that, I've spent the day packing, proofreading, and collecting payment for all three outstanding dissertations, which was a relief. Tonight will be Macbeth: Who is That Bloodied Man?, and we'll be having a little Bar Kohl outing tomorrow night.

Just as long as I don't have to fly with a hangover...I've got a job interview 14 hours after I hit the ground, and a choir audition the next day!

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