Friday, March 09, 2007


Today was filled with many good things, or at least things that were a marked improvement over the rest of the week:

-On my way to the gym this morning, I was honked at by two guys in a dump truck. Maybe it was the combination of running shorts and a North Face jacket. In any case, it made me laugh.

-Lunch with Ella at the Yum Yum HK Diner (seriously, that's the name) was fun and tasty, and relatively inexpensive.

-I have clean socks. Yay!

-I've finished collecting Jane Austen books in the Daily Telegraph giveaway, meaning I can suspend my daily walks to Costa.

-The jackhammer, mercifully, seems to have left for good. Fingers crossed...

-Ruth, as always, oboed well tonight. This was followed by a Favorit run, which is always a good thing.

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