Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Taking care of business

Today's lesson was "channeling one's inner bitch."

I'm not a big fan of confrontation - I don't like annoying people - and yet, I had to be a thorn in someone's side today. Things were getting ridiculous with Accommodation, so I marched over there this morning, talked to some halfway incompetent staff, and finally got the rest of my rent paid off. Like I've been saying, three drunk monkeys could run Accommodation Services better than these people do. When I asked to speak with the person in charge of student accounts, for instance, the staff looked at each other blankly.

That's not a good sign.

After that, I came home, took 45 minutes, and wrote a detailed nastygram to the head of Welfare and Support regarding our building, our lack of good facilities, and the Specific Heat soundtrack (which is largely composed of power tools). We'll see if I get a response...

The highlight of the evening was Master Chef: the final is tomorrow, and tonight was a double-header. It's been fun watching for the last few weeks, and now, sadly, I'll no longer be able to watch Hannah create things involving - I'm not kidding - duck, saffron, lavender, and blueberry. Yeah. Apparently, it tasted alright.

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