Friday, May 11, 2007

Huzzah for oboe!

Here's to Ruth, her oboe, and the symphony orchestra, who managed to save a concert that was going horribly wrong before intermission. "Rhapsody in Blue" and "Bolero" were fantastic, as were the two encores. Bravo, Ruth! Bravo, oboe!

As for the other groups...well, let's just say that, when playing the great orchestral game of "Find the A" tonight, the first orchestra lost. There were tuning issues, and something sounded off in the string section. No matter, though; they recovered fairly well with the Unfinished Symphony, which then, sadly, led to our choral act of the night.

Guys, there's a reason why we love "Bohemian Rhapsody", and it's Freddy Mercury. "Bohemian Rhapsody" is not intended to be a choral piece.

Sopranos going for the falsetto part? Uh-unh.
Cutting out verses? No.
Wonky arrangements? Forget it.
Final consonants? Sounds like a New England glee club attempting a spiritual.

The biggest letdown of the piece was that bit after "For meeeeee" - you know, the great bit with the guitar rocking out - which turned into a piano solo. PIANO SOLO. People, you can rock out on many instruments, but a dinky little piano isn't one of them.

The most appropriate statement uttered during that song?
"No, we will not let you go."
"Let me go!"

Jeff, if you ever see this, from the bottom of my heart, thank you for never attempting a Queen piece with us.

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