Friday, May 25, 2007

The Penguin Lady

We received a visit from the (apparently sole) representative of Penguin Scotland yesterday, whom many of us had hoped could give us the Magic Key (TM) to getting our work in print.

Alas, it was not to be.

She was lovely, and gave us many helpful tips (You can put purple polka-dots all over your manuscript and be remembered, but do you really want to be remembered as the purple polka-dot guy?), but as for actual assistance, she couldn't offer much.

"How many of you are Scottish?" she asked the room of about twenty.
Three people, including one of our professors, raised their hands.
Her face fell a little at that.

The problem is that Penguin Scotland is supposed to find, well, Scottish talent. Granted, "Scottish" is a loose term, encompassing both those born here and those who have written here for a while and use matter with local interest, but the majority of the people in the room didn't quite qualify. What made it even sadder is that she's one of the few publishers left who will actually read unsolicited materials...

Still, the event was followed by a book launch and wine reception, so it all worked out.

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