Friday, September 08, 2006

I'm Leaving on a Jet Plane

Well, in six hours or so. I'm sitting in the food court of Atlanta's Concourse E (if you've been here, you know the drill: "Next stop...Concourse...E...") It's crowded here, and a bit loud, but there's a great computer counter and comped wifi, so I really can't complain. There's a baby grand piano across from Panda Express, and this woman just began playing soft rock standards. We've had Elton John, the Beatles, "The Lion King," "My Heart Will Go On," and - yes - "Leaving on a Jet Plane." Appropriate, if a bit cheesy.

Tomorrow, I get to:
1) See my new digs
2) Meet my 10-12 (?) flatmates
3) Shop for all dorm necessities
4) Find this "Tesco," of which I've heard good things
5) Contemplate sleep, at some point.

Fortunately, I was up at 4 AM, so maybe sleep will come on the overnighter. Maybe not, but I've got a brand new Sudoku mini-magazine to lull me into a stupor somewhere over the Atlantic. Come on, is it really worth staying awake for airplane food? This isn't Virgin Upper Class, complete with its flat beds, gourmet meals, and manicurist - this is Delta Economy. I'm going to be a lovely, rumpled mess in the morning.

And Piano Woman is on to the "Indiana Jones" theme...

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