Tuesday, September 26, 2006

The sky's on fire!

Oh...wait...that's the sun, right. No worries!

We don't see too much of it, really. One prof, a native of Australia, took a look at the sudden monsoon yesterday and muttered, "God, I hate this country." That just about matched the sentiments of the members of the class caught sans umbrella. I had mine - I don't trust Edinburgh weather.

The sun actually came out this morning, heralding a much better day. A nice...erm...brisk run around the mountain, some productive time with the laptop, receiving two of the books I ordered for class, and not getting ripped apart in workshop made this a pretty good day. Of course, the lift's still nonfunctional and choir was a bit of a let-down (YGC, I love ya, baby!), and I just now got around to eating dinner (yes, Mom's it's 10 PM...I know, I know...), but this Tuesday averaged out to be a good one.

Okay, Wednesday, you've got a lot to live up to...

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