Sunday, September 03, 2006

Welcome to my blog

At the prodding of several people, I'm making my first foray into blogging. Be gentle...

My name is Lauren. I'm from Birmingham, Alabama, which is a nice place to call home, even if it is occasionally labeled the backwater of the western world. Personally, I have nothing against the place - it's certainly the only city in the Bible Belt with its own statue of a semi-clad Roman deity - but I've always enjoyed seeing new places, meeting people who don't automatically call me "hon," and experiencing the occasional bout of honest-to-God winter weather. When one hails from a city that panics at the possibility of snow, a blizzard is a rare, exciting treat. The first time, at least.

Four years ago, I forsook my native land and did my undergrad at Yale, a place known for its Gothic architecture, crappy football team, and unfortunate winters. My mother had informed me that I wasn't allowed to go west of the Mississippi, thereby limiting my choices to the midwest, mid-Atlantic, and New England. This left sunny California right out of the mix, but Yale was the right decision - I formed an undying love for Davenport College and the Yale Glee Club, had the privilege of studying under amazing faculty, and met most of my best friends. (Y'all know who you are.)

I didn't exactly fancy pursuing another degree in New Haven - one can walk past Toad's Place only so many times without gagging - but I wasn't yet ready to leave academia. So, delaying the inevitable, I decided it was time to go abroad. In approximately 128 hours, I'll be touching down in Edinburgh to begin my MSc in Creative Writing. (The Sc is short for "science," to the amusement of many.)

Well, Mom, it's still east of the Mississippi.

I have a room. I have an en suite bathroom. Apparently, I have a kitchen and a common room as well, but heaven only knows how many people will be sharing those spaces - Uni's been a bit sketchy on the details to this point. I've heard rumors of a grocery store, an IKEA, and restaurants that don't serve haggis. I have a map, courtesy of the fine folks at Executive Traveler. I have 100 lbs of clothing, a computer, and a box of shoes on the way. Theoretically, that is - I still have to pack...

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