Thursday, December 07, 2006

100th post

I just noticed that this is my hundredth post. Fancy that.

It's been quite a day around here, from picking my sister up at the airport to keeping the puppy, Captain Insano, occupied and out from under my bed. In less than 48 hours, Callie has ripped a hole in her mooing cow's back and has now taken to dragging her fleece pillow around the kitchen. She also wants to chew my stuffed lemur and my sister's yodeling bear. It's actually quite difficult to coax her out from under my sister's bed - the place looks like a tornadic debris field, and somehow Callie has made herself a nest among the photo albums and other detritus. Cow comes in handy in these sorts of situations...

I also had TCBY with Jen today, for the first time in three months. Frozen yogurt! Amazing! Why has this not crossed the pond yet?!?

Tomorrow will involve a three-hour drive and a cocktail party in Nashville...more to come.

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