Friday, December 01, 2006

Not an exciting night

So I had planned to brave the gale and head up to the street ceilidh last night, but that was before a cloud of dust rose on George Square in the wind tunnel and attacked my eye. I may have scratched my cornea, I don't know, but I winced and wept and added more eye drops than I did even post-surgery for two hours during seminar, then headed home for a hot cloth. That did nothing, so in desperation I ran to the drug store/post office thirty minutes before they closed for a tube of gel. By the time my mother called, forty-five minutes later, I had tons of gel in my eye and a couple of Anadins in my system, and was feeling surprisingly better. Thanks, Mom.

Regardless, I didn't quite feel up to another wind assault, so I stayed in and finished reading my rummage sale bad horror novel. After the heroes get strangled for the umpteenth time, justice prevails. Never saw that one coming... I also printed off my portfolio and essay to hand in today, which took a while - I bothered looking on the LLC website for guidelines and ran across their style sheet. Granted, Claire said we could just be consistent, but I went ahead and modified my essay to MLA and double-spaced it. Stupid A4 margins...stupid single-side only... There comes a point where you care less about the dying trees than about your wallet, and twenty-eight pages is a lot for a single essay. Then came the portfolio - also double-spaced, but double-sided. It's forty-three pages long. I'm not printing eighty-six pages off if I don't have to.

I miss the Master's Office printer. Things were simpler then, and I didn't have to buy my own toner.

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