Tuesday, March 06, 2007

DMV madness

Oh dear...

I sent off for my IDP yesterday, and hopefully, I'll have a shiny piece of paper in Spanish to explain to the nice Spanish rental car people that I'm road legal before I go to Spain. We leave at an ungodly hour on March 25, meaning that my application has 19 days to get to Florida and back to me. Let's just hope the extra $5.25 check - clearly marked for global express mail - helps the permit get back to me on time!

That's license number one.

My dad, bless his heart, spent three hours talking to the brain-dead incompetents who staff our local DMV, trying to figure out why my license, which I renewed in September, is set to expire in May on the same date as the old license. As it turns out, you're only allowed to renew your license within 60 days of its expiry, meaning that I was several months ahead of schedule. The moron woman who handled my license (see the September 5 entry) failed to mention this to me, and instead basically gave me a duplicate license. When I go home in September, I'll have to stand in the interminable DMV line yet again.

Why, Alabama DMV, do you let morons staff your offices?

1 comment:

Marcus said...

Where will u go in spain?

Greetings from Valencia,
