Saturday, June 02, 2007

Bathing in disinfectant

In the latest chapter of the Richmond Place Hates Us saga, notes were posted everywhere in the building yesterday to alert us to the commencement of the final (yeah, right) phase of the pipe installation project.

Just a recap: this project, of which we were not informed when we signed our leases, began last October and was supposed to end in May. Theoretically, it will give us more hot water, but all it's given us to date is Specific Heat workmen making noise in the hallways, weeks of hydraulic drills in the courtyard, the loss of our front gate for at least three weeks while the cobblestones came up, random water outages (including toilets), Saturday morning scaffold-building, the stench of new asphalt, and a complete brush-off from Accomodation Services every time we complain.

This last phase should be fun: for the next eight weeks, the pipes need to be flushed with a chemical disinfectant to prepare them for use. Now, while we've been assured that this chemical isn't toxic, it will probably make our water taste odd, so we're encouraged to use our kitchen taps, which connect directly to the main, to refill our water bottles.

Our showers, I suppose, are another matter.

One person on my floor went ahead and looked up the disinfectant, and claims that it isn't terribly strong, so while we won't be bathing in chlorine, we will be bathing in something peroxide-derived.

Thanks for nothing, Accomodation Services. May your legs grow together.

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