Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Free pizza night

Grad school is really like undergrad in many ways. We sleep at weird hours and rise later than the rest of humanity. We can spend the day in pajama pants without a second thought. We can, and do, find any excuse to procrastinate and then complain about how much work we aren't getting done.

We'll also go to nearly any lengths for free pizza.

Tonight was another of Richmond Place's free pizza dinners, or what I postulate is the warden's way of saying "Sorry about the hydraulic drills and the tainted water". He orders dozens of Papa John's pizzas, puts out a few bottles of Irn-Bru and wine, and watches us descend like starving locusts. It doesn't even matter if we don't get the toppings we like - 'free' is the best flavor of all.

The funniest part is watching people try to take leftovers home. Many come down with tupperware to score a free lunch for the next day, but a fortunate few manage to sneak out a bottle of wine. For that, o masters of the strategic outerwear, your kitchenmates salute you.

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