Friday, June 01, 2007

I have no upper-body strength

After avoiding it long enough, I'm on a quest to improve the tone of my arms, which have been displeasing to me for...oh, just about forever, really. On my gym days this week, I've added a brief circuit around the weight room, hunting for the machines that will magically improve my triceps.

Yeah, right.

The depressing thing about beginning strength training is that beginners are usually weak. Granted, it's not like I'm using the varsity gym - when I hit the machines, there are usually only about three other people there, most of them middle-aged - but seeing that someone has set your machine on a triple-digit weight load which you then have to cut back to the first or second notch is embarrassing. I've never been able to do a pull-up (I am, however, very good at hanging there and looking awkward), and I've been doing a whopping 35 pounds on the tricep press this week. Wow.

To make myself feel better, midway through my circuit today, I got onto one of the leg machines and did ten reps at 160 pounds. Yeah. Feeling the burn. I would have kept it up - it was helping my ego immensely - but then I remembered that my run was still to come, and that trembling calves wouldn't last very long on the treadmill. Common sense triumphed in the end, and I reluctantly got off.

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