Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Midnight surliness

In the cold light of morning, you have to feel almost sorry for the inhabitant of room 205. She has the most sensitive smoke or heat detector in the building, apparently, and whenever her shower gets too hot, the fire alarm goes off.

Closer to midnight last night, when her alarm went off for the second time in roughly half an hour, the crowd was feeling less sympathetic. The firemen called back for the second time in half an hour were certainly not happy campers. As for me, I'd just gone to bed after the first alarm, and had just gotten comfortable when the siren started again. Sadly, putting a pillow over my head and muttering curses at the ceiling proved an ineffective way of blocking the noise, and so I found myself outside with everyone once again, watching as an extremely apologetic girl accompanied the firemen back into the building.

On the plus side, it wasn't raining!

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