Friday, July 20, 2007

An open letter

Dear Edinburgh,

You may have noticed, but according to the calendar year, it's currently mid-July. Not even mid; today happens to be July 20, and while I and half the planet are celebrating the fact that we have less than 24 hours to go before the Deathly Hallows launch, I do have one complaint.

Edinburgh, we have to do something about this weather situation.

According to MSN, it's currently 52 degrees, with a predicted high of 60 and sprinkles. Tack on the wind, and let's just say that I'm enjoying the extra blankets on my bed.

Look, you know it's bad when you have to wear a sweater and rain jacket on a July afternoon.

You know it's bad when you go to the DHT shop for the first time in months and the nice clerk says, "You must be having a miserable summer!" Not because of dissertation, mind, but because he knows I'm from Alabama.

You know it's bad when you sit in your room in a fleece jacket and thick socks because the window's open on principle, and for circulation.

You know it's bad when you're almost as likely to see boots as summer shoes on a given excursion through the city.

You know it's bad when your sister in South Africa - which has a legitimate excuse to be cold in July - is having better weather than you are.

Edinburgh, while I certainly appreciate that you've kept my allergies at a record low this season and have given me a fuller understanding of 'summer leather', I could do with a little warmth and sunshine. Just a little. You know, in case my vitamin D-enriched tablets fail and I get rickets or something, which really isn't the souvenir I'd wanted to bring home with me.

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