Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Spider-Pig, Spider-Pig...

...does whatever a Spider-Pig does. Can he swing from a web? No, he can't, he's a pig. Look out! He's a Spider-Pig!

I saw The Simpsons Movie tonight, and it was great. Moments of brilliance, moments of pathos, even a moment (mercifully brief) of full frontal nudity. On a skateboard. After a sequence of covering gags that Austin Powers could be proud of.

And now I have "Spider-Pig" stuck in my head. What's great is that there's a full choral version of this little ditty in the credits, and I have to wonder how many takes it took the choir to get through the song without cracking up. Lord knows the Glee Club wouldn't have made it; we had enough trouble with the Coronation Athems ("The King shall have pleasure", anyone?) In any case, I just downloaded it from iTunes...Spider-Pig, Spider-Pig...

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