Monday, July 02, 2007


I honestly don't know what's wrong with me.

Sunday morning, for no good reason, I was awake at 6. This being a completely unacceptable time, I tried to roll over until 8, but managed only a half-doze for most of those two hours, and resorted to my traditional Sunday afternoon oh-look-it's-raining-I-can't-go-outside nap to prepare for going out Sunday night.

I was only at Three Sisters for three hours - I left at midnight, citing the aforementioned 6 AM wakeup and my planned trip to the gym this morning - but whether it was the afternoon nap or the two drinks I had, something happened to screw my head over last night.

I hadn't seen an Edinburgh sunrise since winter, but let me say now that the sky was still cloudy, albeit rosy, at 4 this morning.

Cut to the present. It's 7:40, I've been up for 10 minutes, I want to leave for the gym by 8, and I've been tossing and turning for the better part of the last three hours. It got to the point that I was having Big Brother-inspired dreams, and that's never a sign of good mental health. Something tells me that there's a nap in my future. That, or mega doses of caffeine...

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