Friday, February 02, 2007

Groundhog Day

Thank you, Punxsutawney Phil.

The Pennsylvanian groundhog, by failing to see his shadow this morning, has predicted an early spring.

Of course, I'm not sure how well this applies to Scotland, but here's hoping. I was able to wear sandals for most of the day without frostbite, which is a promising sign.

The sandal wearing was over the course of a few errands this afternoon, mostly centering around Tesco. I was about to head over to replenish my cabinets when I saw my collection of cornbread mix and decided that might be a good idea. My dad puts blueberries in cornbread - hey, don't knock it until you try it - and I figured I could do the same. Tesco had blueberries on sale (as well as cherries, which I'm eating slowly), so I bought a pack and took my bag of groceries home, where I discovered that I needed eggs and milk.

Back to Tesco. Thank goodness it's just around the corner.

I mixed up the cornbread, but kept the mess in my quasi-Pyrex dish and stuck it in the oven at an approximation of 400 degrees. We're never sure. Twenty minutes later, I removed it, let it cool, and stuck a knife inside. Still gooey. Back in the oven it went for another ten minutes, at which time it resembled a mass of blueberries loosely held together by baked cornmeal.

It's good, but it has the same effect as a blue raspberry slushie on one's lips and teeth. Note to self...

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