Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Nothing like late-night socializing

I was feeling mildly like death for most of the day yesterday, so I decided to make another early night of it. What with one thing and another, however, I didn't get in bed until 11, and was still a bit wired. I eventually drifted off around quarter of twelve, only to be awakened by the fire alarm.

Somehow I ended up in the parking lot with the rest of Churchill House. I noticed that I had managed to put on pants (always a good thing), a fleece, and my watch, and that I had grabbed my flash drive and purse, but the first shoes that came to mind in my half-conscious state were sandals.

Okay, flecce, jeans, and sandals. Perfect for those February nights in Edinburgh.

When we realized there were no flames shooting out of the windows, several of us retreated to the laundry room, where at least we had protection from the wind, and waited for the firemen to come and turn off the alarm.

Someone in the laundry room thought it might have been sweet potatoes. Those had better have been some good sweet potatoes...

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