Saturday, February 03, 2007

Thank you, Pop World

Britain's non-satellite answer to MTV and VH1 appears to be "Pop World," a Saturday morning program on Channel 4 that offers music videos, news, and interviews with various performers. The two presenters, though both fairly attractive, have the combined IQ of the average reader of Tiger Beat. This morning, they introduced a new segment in which they dissect a few new videos.

Up first was Robbie Williams, a perennial favorite over here, who in the video not only performs to a club full of transvestites, but changes into drag himself. Okay. It's Robbie Williams, fair enough.

Next was The Fray's "How to Save a Life," which has been on the American charts since, oh, summer at least. Decent video, good song, whatever.

Third, however, was the stinker of the morning. The female presenter compared the group to Steps, and I think it was an insult to that other fine group of artists *cough*. Ladies and gentlemen, the newest pop sensation to come out of the Netherlands, Ch!pz.

Yes, "Ch!pz." You know there's a problem when the punctuation is in the middle of the name.

I was so appalled by this foursome's video that I had to google them. Rule of thumb, kids: if you're not singing a country song or you're not doing "urban cowboy," then for God's sake, don't set your video in the Old West. Need to see what makes most Europop so incredibly bad? Check out "Cowboy." Go on, do it. I dare you.

For the record, I did download a Steps song at one point, and I still have my ABBA, Eiffel 65, and ATC CDs. Momentary lapses in judgment, all.

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