Thursday, April 26, 2007

Crazy day

I didn't do much in the way of productive endeavors today. Actually, I woke to my alarm, pushed it back half an hour, and rolled over. Firbush took more out of me than I realized, I suppose, and anyway, the blankets were warm.

I did rise eventually, however, because today was Interview Day - that's right, an actual phone interview for an actual job. We shall see. Soon after that conversation ended, my other phone rang and, long story short, I'm auditioning to read sentences for two weeks for a company that needs a woman with a "pleasant" American accent. The interviewer asked where I was from, but fortunately seemed nonplussed when I told him. He then asked if I could do a southern accent, to which I was forced to reply, "Not convincingly".

After dinner, I wrapped up my sore feet (note to self: never go on a two-hour hike through Edinburgh in shoes you haven't worn since September) and took my constitutional in the park; as the sun isn't fully setting now until close to nine, Holyrood is jumping after dinner. For those who haven't yet done the twilight thing: get thee to the park. I'm serious, it's lovely in there. The heather is blooming and smells fantastic, the grouse/pheasant/large bird is stalking that grassy lawn at the St. Leonard's entrance, and the hills are lousy with rabbits. I saw several baby bunnies today (all together, now: "Aww..."), and one came to within two feet of me. There's nothing cuter than a palm-sized rabbit hiding in the heather.

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