Thursday, April 05, 2007


It was in the 60s today, the sky was cloudless, and the breeze was nice, so I killed a couple of hours this afternoon by taking a long walk around the neighborhood volcano.

The park was more crowded than I've seen it in months, as if the city is breathing a collective sigh of relief and emerging after the winter. The cherry trees are beginning to blossom, the daffodils are still in bloom, and I could walk comfortably in a tank top and sandals - if I were in New Haven, this would almost be sunbathing weather. As it was, I took the trail through the woods behind my church to get to St. Leonard's Gate, then started up the road and past the lakes (big swan nest in the first one!), and just as I was coming around the back, I noticed some people up on a trail.

Well, I thought, I can hike in sandals. They're pretty broken in, as anyone who's seen Ian's Spain pictures can attest.

I followed the trail up, then realized I was climbing the back of the Crags and that the path was getting steep. Vaguely I recalled a tricky path back down on the Arthur's Seat side of the Crags, but figured I'd find a way. Taking care not to a) be blown off the mountain, or b) lose the fleece tied around my waist (hey, I'm optimistic, not stupid), I followed the path around the top, admiring the views of the city as I hiked, then came to the rough patch.

Fortunately, the group of preteen boys and their mountain bikes left before I had to crouch and climb down in a less than dignified stance. I like walking around the park, but I never said I was any good at it. And hey, remember that I was in sandals.

I was in high spirits by the time I made it back to my room, where I washed my feet, changed clothes, and chilled out with my computer for a while. Then I stood to go make dinner, and suddenly my body began protesting, particularly my bum knee and the other hamstring.

Funny how that happens. Good thing I went to the gym this morning...

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