Friday, April 20, 2007

Supermarket overload

Today was my turn to make the hike to Cameron Toll for our Jeeves & Wooster DVD, and while I was there, I decided to pop into the Sainsbury's connected to the mall to have a look around.

Dear God.

After not having been in a proper grocery store since the Christmas holidays, I was blown away by a full-sized Sainsbury's. They had a butcher counter. A cheese counter. A quarter-aisle of Old El Paso products. More wine than anyone could ever need. Clothing. More than fifteen varieties of cereal. Philly Free (or their version of it). Maple syrup. Goose fat. Bags of frozen berries.

And they, too, took AMEX.

I bought myself a few souvenirs (not the goose fat), collected the DVDs, and headed back to town. The only problem with this Sainsbury's is that it's 1.5 miles away, and my arm started to go numb after a while.

Then again, there is a bus...

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