Sunday, April 08, 2007


Talk about strange ways to spend a holiday...

Last year this time, I went to Sunday morning services with Mary at, appropriately, St. Mary's in New Haven. We then did a large, Italian Sunday lunch at Scoozzi, thanks to Mom and Dad, who pitied us and our dining hall fare. Still, the dining hall wasn't a complete dud at Easter, as we often had special breads, the ubiquitous Passover staples, and dyed eggs.

Cut to this year. Dying eggs, I was told this morning, isn't a big thing in Scotland. The situation was different fifty years ago, when kids would dye eggs with tea and then go rolling them down hills and whatnot. You used to find the shells all over Arthur's Seat. Sadly, the custom has gone out of practice, and the only eggs around are of the Cadbury variety, like the basket the Korean church that shares Kirk o' Field left for us this morning. Sweet of them, but I wasn't quick enough to get one...

I had more pressing concerns. After my two-Sunday break from choir, I was back with four songs I'd never heard and a distinct lack of other singers. Easter is a Communion Sunday, so everyone who would usually be in the choir was serving, and when neither of the other American students showed up, I was left to carry the choir, solo.

Time to sight-read the soprano line...

Fortunately, I had a few minutes before the service to look over the hymns, and Roy cued me in to a couple of ritards, so I only really flubbed my way through the first verse of our Communion hymn, which was actually two hymns back-to-back. What made me truly happy was when Roy started into "Christ the Lord is Risen Today" as the Communion anthem - finally, an Easter song I recognized, even if I wasn't singing along...

Hope the bunny was good to everyone!

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